Custom 0Auth - Making Calls

LoginTap is set up much like any other 0Auth service (like Google or Facebook logins).

There are 2 methods to receive and update API tokens. Download ready made API collection and plug in your API URL from project settings:

Get Tokens for API Calls

To get new tokens:

POST data applicationUUID={{applicationuuid}}

- URL = is ALWAYS your account's URL address, for example -, a standard account URL will have an alphanumeric value, for example
- applicationUUID = PROJECTS UUID is a specific ID of the project, so you can provide you developers API access to this Project only

Both are located in the Settings of each Logintap Project:

In response ↑ , you get accessToken (varchar1000), refreshToken (varchar1000) and expiresIn is Unix time expiration date for the access token (7 days forward by default):

Please make sure you update the access_token BEFORE it expires using:

GET - {{url}}/api/v1/refresh?refreshToken={{refreshtoken}}

Make API Calls

For all further requests use the accessToken in API HEADERS as:

Bearer {{accessToken}}

NOTE - the SPACE symbol in between the VALUE